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Belgian Legacy Cup Final
Sunday 18 December 2016
Ends around
Outpost Antwerp

After 8 trials throughout the country, the time has come for Belgium's most prestigious Legacy event of the year. Who will succeed Frederik Ketels and become the 2016 Belgian Legacy Cup Champion?

Outpost Antwerp has been at the forefront of Belgium's competitive Magic scene for years and is proud to welcome you at the 2016 Belgian Legacy Cup Finals. Running strong since 2008, this exciting tournament will feature the strongest Legacy players in the region, facing off against each other for a loaded prizepool and the coveted title of Belgian Legacy Cup Champion.

Doors: 10:00
Registration closes: 10:45
Format: Legacy Constructed, Swiss rounds + top 8 playoffs
Rules Enforcement Level: Competitive. Decklists are required.
Entry Fee: € 15,-
Pre-registration: use the contact-form here:
Help us plan ahead by pre-registering!

The following prizes are guaranteed:

- 1st: 3 Tropical Island (revised) + title of Belgian Legacy Cup Champion 2016
- 2nd: 1 Volcanic Island (revised) + 1 Scrubland (revised)
- 3rd & 4th (*): 2 Taiga (revised)
- 5th to 8th (*): 1 Snapcaster Mage + 1 Windswept Heath (KTK)

(*) Prizes for each player.
Depending on the turnout, additional prizes may be added to the prizepool.

***Additional information***

- This tournament will hold a 3x PWP Multiplier.
- Drinks and sandwiches will be available at the tournament site for reasonable prices. It is not allowed to consume your own beverages at the venue.
- The tournament is open to everyone, including non-Belgian players.
- To see whether you have earned any byes for this tournament, checkout the Season Standings on our website:
- Legacy Banned list: