0.00 €

Contact Us

Below you can find a comprehensive list of all our contact information and whom to call or mail for your specific region/query.


Outpost Antwerp

You can contact our Antwerp venue using the number +32 (0)3 231 54 56.
This number will direct you to the front desk and they will be able to answer most basic questions.


Alternatively you can send us an email at: 


This store is located in Beggaardenstraat 6, 2000 Antwerp.


Outpost Ghent

You can contact our venue in Ghent using the number +32 (0)9 245 44 84.
This number will direct you to the front desk and they will be able to answer most basic questions.


Alternatively you can send us an email at: 


This store is located in Ottergemsesteenweg, 9000 Ghent.


Outpost Brussels

You can contact our venue in Brussels using the number +32 (0)2 218 04 00.
This number will direct you to the front desk and they will be able to answer most basic questions.

Alternatively you can send us an email at: 


This store is located in Rue de la Tribune 8, 1000 Brussels.



For any information regarding the webshop including order information, payments, refunds, and shipping you can call this number: 03/613.09.21


Do be aware that our webshop offices close at 17.00h during normal weekdays and are closed during the weekend.


Alternatively you can send us an email at: 



If you have any administrative questions (e.g. You are a developer and want to showcase your game in our store?) the number to call is: 03/613.09.20


Do be aware that our administrative offices close at 16.00h during normal weekdays and are closed during the weekend.



General Questions

If you have a question that is unrelated to orders, payments, refunds, or shipping, and isn't outpost-specific, you can contact us at: