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Star Wars X-Wing Belgian Regionals
Sunday 18 May 2014
Ends around
Outpost Brussels

Outpost Brussels is happy to announce the Belgian Regionals for Star Wars the Living Card Game !


The event is bound to be a full Star Wars Experience with some of the most epic battles ever ! At stake - as always - is nothing less than the fate of the Universe...


Doors: 11h00

Format: Constructed

Entry Fee: 12 €


Tournament Rules:


This will be a 100pt or less X-Wing tournament following all standard X-Wing rules from FFG:




It will be a Swiss Rounds Tournament. All current X-Wing expansions from Fantasy Flight Games are legal.


All players must have a written squadron list, including all ships, pilots, and upgrades. Please either bring the list with you, or arrive early enough to fill one out here before the event begins.


Players are expected to bring with them all materials they will need for battle, including squadron, dice, maneuver dials, maneuver templates, asteroids, tokens and damage card deck.


Minimum Prize Pool :


- One acrylic Regional 2014 trophy and one certificate granting the winner a bye at a National Championship
- Four sets of acrylic maneuver templates
- Eight sets of six translucent dice (three attack and three defense)
- Sixteen packs of ten acrylic evade tokens
- Sixty-four alternate art cards
- One head judge set of six translucent dice


There might be more prizes depending on the number of participants.


Check also the Outpost Brussels facebook Event page for future updates, pictures of events and promotions:


Be sure to attend and may the force be with you !