Modern Horizons 3 is hitting the world.
New Eldrazi's, a new Goyf, fetch lands are back... and many more to come!
So we are proud to present a prerlease weekend with 5 prereleases.
Start : 12h00
Format : 2HG Sealed
Entry Fee : 60euro/player
Prizes :
4wins = 8 play boosters/team
3wins = 6 play boosters/team
2wins = 4 play boosters/team
1 or 0 wins = 2 play boosters/team
All prereleases :
7th of June : Sealed @ 19h30
8th of June : Sealed @ 12h00
8th of June : Sealed @ 19h00
9th of June : 2HG Sealed @12h00
9th of June : Sealed @ 18h00