Registration starts at 12:00
The ideal way to stay in touch with the latest deck building developments.
Format: Advanced Constructed (more on this format below)
Entry Fee: 10 € (Includes a drink of up to 2,20€)
Prize Pool: 2 Boosters participation, Each Participant 1 booster , remaining boosters go to Top
A tournament using a Constructed Format or Constructed Deck means that players planning to participate must bring decks of cards they have constructed themselves.
These decks must be constructed to meet the rules of the tournament.
In an advanced constructed event, you have to adhere to the following guidelines :
◾ Decks must have between 40 and 60 cards.
◾ Extra Decks may contain a maximum of 15 cards.
◾ Side Decks may contain a maximum of 15 cards.
◾ Decks may contain up to 3 copies of most cards.
◾ Decks may contain up to 2 copies of any Semi-Limited card.
◾ Decks may contain 1 copy of any Limited card.
◾ Decks may not contain any Forbidden cards.
Check the official Yu-gi-oh CCG site for the latest version of the Forbidden card list !