Digimon Locals
Sunday 19 November 2023
The Digimon Locals are our accessible, competitive tournaments where you can face off against others with your own pre-constructed deck.
Entry Fee
For €13 you can participate in the event, get 2 booster packs of the latest set & 1 Official Tournament Pack. That means even if you lose, you still go home a winner!
For every participant, an extra booster will be added to the prize pool that will be distributed to the top 33% of players.
Every participant of the tournament will get the following no matter how well they do in the tournament:
- 2 boosters of the latest set
- 1 Official tournament pack
Top 33% of players will share the booster prize pool and winner takes home a winner Pack!
Extra tournament pack(s) will be raffled between all players at the END of the tournament. If we're with more than 8 players, an extra tournament pack AND a box topper will be raffled as well!
For these events it won't be needed to register in advance. To participate, just show up and register 30 minutes before the start of the event on the day itself. Do be sure to be in time as we won't be able to register people when the event has started.