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0.00 €
X-Wing Initiation Tournament
Saturday 19 November 2022
Ends around
Outpost Ghent

Start: 13h00
Entry: €5


We welcome all X-Wing players to this event, but especially our new pilots!
For many, this will be the very first tournament of X-Wing, an initiation for new recruits.


Get your first taste of X-Wing second edition squadron building, scenarios featuring objectives, and tournament structured competitive play,
or return to the field -nay, space- of X-Wing as a veteran pilot and enjoy a return to tournament play.


Because this event is specifically aimed at welcoming new players, we will not be using T3 for the tournament so it will not contribute to your Belgian Elo.


There will be 3 or 4 rounds with no top cut, depending on attendance.


For prizing, we have opened up our backlog of prize kits from the X-Wing events of yesteryear and put together one hell of a prize pool:
-For the top 2, we have an Outpost exclusive Kylo Ren and "I'll show you the dark side" condition cards, created by local artist Karel D'Huyvetter. There were initially made for Nationals 2018, and this is your last chance to win one!
-Top 3 chooses in ranking order, prizes are a set 3 acryllic stress tokens, a plastic double sided Kazuda Xiono / "Ember" card, and a cardboard tuckbox for holding cards.
-Top 4 gains a set of 3 acryllic tractor beam tokens
-Top 8 wins a set of 5 acryllic evade tokens
-Lots of different alternate art cards, one of which will be given away to each player every round as a door prize! Picks include Boba Fett, Corran Horn, Howlrunner, and many more!
-A batch of metal charge and force tokens, which will be evenly devided among all players