0.00 €
Pre-release Core Set 2021
Sunday 28 June 2020
Ends around
Outpost Antwerp

A century-old war will be fought from the 26th of June till the 2nd of July. This war had been raging for millenia, battles have been fought with occasional victories for both sides. Which side will you support, the cats or the dogs? The Egyptians had made their choice, now it’s your turn!


This prerelease you will have the chance to end this century-old debate. When arriving at the prerelease you will put your e-mail address in the ballot corresponding to the animal companion you prefer. At the end of the week, we will send you an MTG Arena code or a goodie according to the choice you’ve made!

Then join one of our prereleases (or multiple if you really want your favourite animal companion to win) that are held in all Outposts. People will be organized in flights of maximum 10 people as per Covid-19 regulations.


Outpost Antwerp Schedule


Friday 26th of June @ 19h30
Saturday 27th of June @ 13h00
Saturday 27th of June @ 19h30
Sunday 28th of June @ 13h00
Sunday 28th of June @ 19h30
Monday 29th of June @ 19h30

Tuesday 30th of June @ 19h30

Wednesday 1st of July @ 19h30

Some safety measures will be taken due to COVID-19:


- Disinfectant will be present at the entrance of the store and in the tournament area

- Ordering of food and drinks will be done at the table, no walking around the tables between rounds unless necessary.

- We would like you to try to limit physical contact as much as possible, and in case you want to feel safer: we can even provide plexiglass screens to put between you and the people next to or even across from you.If your opponent

- Cutting the deck of your opponent will not be allowed. Taking control of your adversary's creatures/cards will be done through proxies (a piece of paper, ...).

- Judges will be wearing mouth masks. Wearing mouth masks is not obliged for players but advisable.

We will also be working with pre-registration as much as possible, that way we can divide people if needed or separate into different tournaments to not go above the limit of 10 people for each table.


To promote preregisration: every person who uses the google form to pre-registrate for Antwerp and Ghent events will receive 1 EXTRA Ikoria promo pack upon arrival.


The link to the pre-registration form for Outpost Antwerp:


Prerelease Sealed deck core 2021


Entry Fee: €28

Prizes: 2 boosters/player (all players will get at least 1 booster), The winner of every flight will get a Core 2021 premium promo booster.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to mail (but be careful if you’re a dog person, she is biased towards cats) for Antwerp or Email Gent for Ghent.