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Imperial Assault Tournament
Sunday 1 October 2017
Ends around
Outpost Brussels

The Outpost Brussels is happy to announce another Imperial Assault Skirmish Tournament.

*Doors: 11h00
*Format: Imperial Assault Skirmish Tournament - Swiss Rounds
*Entry Fee: 5 €
*Prize Pool: Official Kit distributed amongst participants. More prizing depending on the number of participants.
*Preregistrations: on

Imperial Assault is a strategy board game of tactical combat that allows two players to muster strike teams and battle head-to-head over conflicting objectives in the Star Wars™ universe!

Tournament Structure: The Tournament will follow the Official Imperial Assault Tournament Rules, published by Fantasy Flight Games. One change to the structure, is that all published FFG maps and missions may be used during the event. The number of Rounds will be based upon the number of Participants and each Round will be 65 minutes, this includes 10 minutes for setup.

Each player must build one squad for use in an Imperial Assault Skirmish tournament. The maximum squad points for each player is 40 points. Please follow all squad building rules from the core rule book. Each player may choose to field either a Rebel, Imperial, or Scum squad, as tournament seeding ignores the player's faction. Each player must submit his squad composition, including all associated command cards and total squad points, to the TO before the start of the tournament. Players must use the same squad for the duration of the tournament.

Each player must bring dices, tokens and skirmish mission cards/rules and have an army list (