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Tribal Commander: Commander 2017 Release Event
Sunday 27 August 2017
Ends around
Outpost Antwerp

To celebrate the release of Wizards Of The Coast's latest addition to Magic's most popular casual format, we're hosting a fun tournament where the winner gets to take home his or her favorite deck from the new set!


Format: Multi-player Commander, swiss rounds consisting of tables of 3-5 players.
Entry fee: 10€
start: 13h00

Construction rules

-Decks must contain at least 15 creatures that share a creature type with eachother ánd with your commander.
-Players must also include at least 5 spells that interact with or make mention of the selected creature tribe.


- Player A selects Krenko, Mob Boss as their commander and includes at least 15 other goblins in their deck. They also sleeve up a few tribe-oriented spells, such as Dragon Fodder, Tarfire, Goblin Grenade, Brightstone Ritual and Goblin War-Drums.

- Player B plays Cat tribal and includes a couple of Ajani Planeswalkers and the conflux printing of Path To Exile in his deck, all of which contain kitties in the artwork.

For more information on the Commander format, including what cards are banned and deck construction rules, please visit


Match points are allocated every round depending on when each player is eliminated from their table:

Winner: 3 points
Runner-up: 2 points
3rd place: 1 point


In the case that two players are eliminated simultaneously, they are granted the lowest points total for their finish, independent of the turn sequence.

Examples: - At a table of 4 active players, two of the four are eliminated during the same combat step; they both receive 0 points for their joint 4th-place finish.
- With two people left, player A casts Wildfire, effectively killing both players and ending the game in a draw. Both of them are allotted 2 points for their second-place finish.


Prize Support:

The winner takes home a Commander 2017 deck of their choice. For all other players, lots of boosters are added to the prize pool to ensure that everyone gets their fair share for their efforts.