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Khans of Tarkir Preorder

The next upcoming Magic set, Khans of Tarkir, will be released on the 26th of September. As of today, you can preorder both the booster displays and the fat packs in our webshop.

The Khans of Tarkir-block will see a large-small-large succession of sets with the first set comprised of 269 cards.


Time-travel is rumoured to be a prominent theme in the block.


Tarkir is a plane of five warring clans, each worshipping one aspect of extinct dragons: The Abzan houses, Jeskay Way, Sultai Brood, Mardu Horde and Temur Frontier. During prereleases players will therefore be asked to affiliate with one of the five clans.


The prerelease weekend will run from the 19th till the 21st of September.


Booster displays can be preordered at 99,90 €.  Fat Packs will be sold at 37,90 €.