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Summer of FFG in Outpost Ghent

The rate at which Fantasy Flight Games is able to put out new releases is nothing short of astonishing. Over the summer, Outpost Ghent wants to give FFG fans the chance to play their favourite games on a more regular basis.


Every Wednesday, our in-house gaming community will give free demo's of a whole variety of FFGs. Brilliant Living Card Games as Android: Netrunner, Star Wars, Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu will be featured, but we will also offer demos for games like Star Wars Miniatures and Diskwars, to name a few.


Veteran players can of course come just to have fun playing the games they know and prefer. Outpost Ghent and Thunderbolts will try to grow the local communities for these games, as it's always nice to play as much different decks and different players as possible.


Fantasy Flight Games offers special demo-kits for a lot of their games, Outpost will distribute the contents of these kits (always interesting promotional stuff !) to all participants.


Every last weekend of the month, we will also organise a number of casual tournaments for some of these games. Although we will give away some very sweet price support, the focus of these tournaments will be on fun, so you can expect some very original formats !


Because we organise this Summer of FFG for the players, we let you decide on what games will feature as tournament games, and you'll even have your say on what format we will use !


On our special Summer of FFG Facebook-page we will try to involve you as much as possible in the decisions.