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Pro Tour Qualifier Honolulu in Outpost Brussels

The PTQ Honolulu in Outpost Ghent earlier this month featured a whopping 223 participants. On Sunday the 6th of July, you will get another opportunity to qualify for this popular Pro Tour Destination in Outpost Brussels.


The Pro Tour in Honolulu will be held from the 10th till the 12th of October in the Hawaii convention centre, featuring a prize pool of 250.000 US$. The Khans of Tarkir-set will be released and playable. The format itself will be Modern.


All details for the PTQ in Outpost Brussels can be found here.



The PTQ in Ghent was won by Germany's Pascal Wagner. You can have a look at the tournament results for this PTQ here.


Let's do our best to keep the slot home this time guys !