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This Sunday, October 7th, players from across Belgium will fight for what they've been training for all their lives. The chance at a Pokémon Cup title!


If there is one event that truly distinguishes one trainer from the next it's a Pokémon Cup!


They are played in state-of-the-art stadiums across the world and often add a twist to a 'regular' match of Pokémon. You could, for example, play over a lava pit or have your Pokémon stand on a little island surrounded by water.

Ash vs Misty

Here in Outpost Antwerp we have the ULTIMATE experience as your Pokémon battle on hard-oak* tables imbued with the blood, tears, and sweat of all Pokémon trainers who came before it (and a few Magic players as well)! If that's isn't the most hardcore thing we don't know what is!


This weekend, October 7th, prepare yourself and your Pokémon to do battle against the toughest there is as you fight for the glory of 'Pokémon Master' as well as playmats, boosters, and world championship points.


The tournament starts at 12:00. You will need a POP-ID, decklist, and a standard deck. (We can give you a POP-ID if you don't have one yet). A good trainer will come prepared!


The entry fee is 10 Euro, but for this you will get the chance to smash your opponent's Pokémon into our hard oaken* tables (not literally of course) and achieve earth-shattering victory! As well as two boosters and a promo card ...


For those of us living in Ghent: There is another Pokémon Cup (Ghent) that takes place the day before on the 6th! It has the exact same start time and entry fee than the one in Antwerp so if you're a trainer in the Ghent area be sure to attend!


Will you rise to the very top of stardom? Or will you and your Pokémon's tears of defeat add to those already imbued into our gaming tables?


We can't wait to find out on October 7th!



*We had to try REALLY hard not to make cheesy jokes about a certain Professor ...