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War is brewing and the inevitable conflict between the Horde and the Alliance is nearing. Both factions are welcome to start their journeys throughout the night of August 13th to 14th with us as Outpost will remain neutr ... Ah screw it, FOR THE HORDE!!


I hope everyone has their mage tower base artifact appearance? Violet Spellwing? Legacy Achievements? Let's hope so, because last week's pre-patch made those impossible to get.


However now we have upright Hordies and stellar golden eyes for the Sin'dorei, as well as a large toasty barbecue when Teldrassil goes up in flames so ... it's all good. We're already preparing loads of beer-basted boar ribs!

For the Horde

Excitement abounds for the upcoming grand barbecue so when the eventual release patch hits during the night between August 13th and 14th all Horde (and I guess the Alliance too ...) are more than welcome to join us in Outpost and start their new expansion journey on our mighty rigs. If you're playing with guildies or friends, make sure to send a mail to so we can make sure you're all seated close together instead of scattered between other faction members!


We'll be playing all night! Just for you (and our glorious warchief) we'll be keeping our gamecenter open so you can play undisturbed and in style! You'll be playing for free too! Or at least you will from 12 to 10 in the morning.


Furthermore we'll be giving away a little something for every proud Horde Warrior, and yes ... even for the Alliance. There will even be a WoW-themed boardgame for those who fancy a break (but let's face it, none of us are going to leave our PC's for even a moment!)


So rally your allies, gather your power, and stand proud for your faction as we head straight for the inevitable conflict in Battle for Azeroth.