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Friendship: it is the foundation Outpost is built upon. (That and actual solid concrete.) Which is why, for the entirety of Summer, we're launching our new "Bring a Friend"-program!


Old GamersImagine this: You're sitting with your friend out in the sun. It's blisteringly hot. What are you to do when confronted with the joys of summer? Flee indoors and play some games of course! Ah, but your friend has never played a game @Outpost Antwerp or Ghent before ...


We can't have that! Your friend might have unlimited noob-slaying potential! We'll never know until we get him or her on to one of our mighty Outpost rigs!


Introducing our "Bring a friend"-program: If you bring someone to Outpost Antwerp or Ghent who has never made a PC-account there you get to play for free for as long as your buddy is with you!


Unfortunately your buddy will still need to pay, .... but hey! At least you're playing for free! And you're out of that godawful sunshine! Brrrr, sunshine *shivers*.


If you're feeling generous however there is nothing stopping you from splitting the bill with your friend afterwards. That way you can both benefit from a relaxing afternoon of noob-slaying.


Gaming together is, after all, totally awesome!



(This promotions lasts from July 1st up until August 31st.)