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Yu-Gi-Oh Nationals in Outpost Ghent

Join us in Outpost Ghent for two intense days of dueling to decide our country's national Yu-Gi-Oh hero!


We're aiming to make the weekend of 12-13 May most memorable as we look for the one and only National Champion!


The competition will be spread out over two days.


On Day 1 we're striving to narrow the pool of contestants down to a top 16. The games will start at 11.00h. So it's advised to be here much, much earlier. Especially if you still want to buy some cards as we will have a small card shop present.


On Day 2 we're pulling out all the stops as the chosen 16 victors from the previous day duel it out until one is left standing. He or she will be our National Champion for 2018!


Additionally, for everyone else that's not cheering for the top 16, we're holding WCQ: Regional Qualifiers!


The entry fee for both day 1 and 2 is 20 Euro, for which you will immediately receive 5 Booster packs of the most recent sets. The entire tournament will be played in Advanced Constructed format.


Participants will also gain access to a massive prize pool (assuming they win). The main rewards being travel and accomodations to the WCQ: Continentals, a super rare card, and a VIP Package for our National Champion and a Nintendo Switch for second place.


You can find further lists of rewards, including Championship Plaques, Sleeves, Game Mats, and tons of booster packs, here.


So do you have what it takes to be the King (or Queen!) of Games for the entirety of Belgium? Come prove yourself on 12-13 May and win it all!