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National Release: Genius, New Edition

On Saturday the 24th of May, both Outpost Antwerp and Outpost Ghent will participate in the national release of the new Dutch version of Reiner Knizia's Genius. On Saturday, buyers can profit from a one-time-only cashback promotion.


Genius already sold over 700.000 copies worldwide. Simple rules, fast gameplay and smart decision-making : those are the ingredients that turned this game into a big seller.


On Saturday we will not only have demo's of the game but we also have an interesting cashback promotion :


When you buy a copy of Genius on Saturday, ALL your White Goblin purchases that day will have 30% off. You only need to send your receipt and the flyer to White Goblin Headquarters and they will do the rest.


If you make a selfie of yourself in front of our 'Einstein'-poster in the shop and share it on social media, you will also be eligible for a games package worth 100 € !