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Divine Dragon Apocrypha Sneak Peeks

Prepare for the coming of Lord Gyze in the latest Cardfight!! Vanguard set: Divine Dragon Apocrypha.


Lord GyzeLegend tells us that when the Zeroth Dragons from all six nations unite it will herald the arrival of the Dragon Deity of Destruction: Gyze.


That time is now, as in the latest 100 card set all six Zeroth Dragons and Gyze himself are obtainable in secret rare format!


Naturally mighty heroes such as Minerva, Shiranui, and Altmile will try to oppose him ... but will they succeed?


Decide the fate of the world with this new set in upcoming sneak peek tournaments @Outposts Antwerp and Brussels! You can find the relevant information below:



Sunday, 4th of March: Outpost Brussels


Doors open: 11:30


Tournament start: 13:00


Entry Fee: 20 Euro


Format: Boosterdraft - Swiss Rounds


Sunday, 4th of March: Outpost Antwerp


Doors open: 11:00


Tournament start: 13:30


Entry Fee: 22 Euro


Format: Sealed



Good luck, may the best warrior win!