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Want to stay up to date on stock updates and/or the colourful adventures of the Outpost crew? Then join us now on Instagram!


Snorlax ApprovesOutpost can sometimes appear as a bit enigmatic, slightly chaotic, and thorougly crazy. Now you can confirm all these traits (especially the last one) ten times over by checking our continued exploits on Instagram!


Want to check out the tower of Gloomhavens? The latest games that pass our desks? Take a glimpse into the wonderful mind of our Instagram editor? We've got it all! We're planning to make full use of the platform to provide you with both useful knowledge while keeping it casual and less officious than our Facebook Pages.


To ensure the highest quality content possible we've previously held Hunger-Games-esque Olympics to test applicants for the position of Supreme Instagram Editor on various attributes such as: wits, photography skills, athleticism, cookie baking, and cuteness!


Everyone died.


So the mantle automatically passed to the only one who had the sense not to participate in those shenanigans. She'll be spearheading our foray into the wilds of Instagram and from now on you will refer to her as either 'Your Highness', 'Senpai-Editor', or 'Esteemed Chief Instagrammer'.


So what are you waiting for? Click on the link below and join our Instagram family! You won't regret it*!


<<Join us>> LINK <<Jooooin us>>


*Senpai-Editor does not guarantee you will regret your decisions or not.