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The Brotherhood of Assassins' Origins date back millennia. On Saturday the 4th of November you can enter the animus and experience these beginnings yourself across the Outposts, entirely free of charge of course!


AnimusOn Saturday, November 18th, we're holding tryouts in all Outposts for subjects willing to enter the animus and work to uncover ancient, forgotten history! Each test subject, pardon: participant, gets to play the 'game' (read: high-tech synaptic simulation) for about half an hour. After which another 'participant' can try their hand and see how well they do.


If you're willing to engage in further studies and continue work with our benefactor: Layla Hassan, then leave your name behind when you leave. At the end of the day all the test data will be compiled and a 'winner' will be selected. That winner gets exclusive animus access at home and will be able to continue 'the game' with the help of our sponsor.


In order to stay under the radar of both Abstergo and other interested parties your exclusive animus access will be disguised as a videogame for both the PS4 and XBOX One called: 'Assassin's Creed Orgins: Gods Edition'.


Furthermore: in order to expand the illusion that we're simply 'trying out a game' each and every 'participant' will receive both a free poster and Monster can (that's Monster: the brand, the drink isn't actually monstrously huge). 

Gods Edition

So join us in an Outpost on Saturday the 18th, play Assassin's Creed Origins for free, and perhaps you can win this Assassins' Creed: Gods Edition to take home with you!