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Legend of the Five Rings is the hottest new living card game to come off the Fantasy Flight presses. Do we want to get in on all the sweet events FF is planning? You bet we do!


Honour Through ResearchThe world of Rokugan is one of honour, service to the Emperor, and dedication to the ways of Bushido (the way of the warrior). We were first introduced to the stories of the five rings and the clans of Rokugan in a now-defunct collectible card game. Now those days are over and the era of the LGC has begun!


Before we get into event details, let us introduce you to a few mechanics and a bit of lore regarding this new LCG!


Let us start at combat, or rather the way you choose to fight (be that political or military). It greatly depends on which clan you choose to command. There are seven and each has a very specific way of doing things. The Crane Clan for example is a political powerhouse. They are the essence of civility and nobility in Rokugan and will ensure victory without even lifting a sword.


The Lion Clan on the other hand couldn't be more different. They are the epitome of military might and the iron fist of the emperor. Expect dominance through application of force instead of words when it comes to the Lion Clan.


Daidoji AkehaFurthermore there is 'Honour', which is a very significant mechanic. Not only is it used to draw extra cards, getting 25 of it instantly wins you the game! Don't think this will be easy however. Your opponents will do anything to dishonour you into the ground, and when you forfeit every shred of your honour you immediately lose.


Experts at this game are the Scorpion clan. Although they are fiercely loyal to the emperor, they reserve none of that for everyone else. Expect the Scorpion Clan to win by any means necessary, dishonourable as they may be, for they are the self-proclaimed 'villains' of the Empire.


Now that we've gotten some small insight into Legend of the Five Rings and seen three of the seven clans (really there is SO much more). Let's talk about how you can play this epic game in our gamecenters.


We've already had a succesful launch event last Wednesday in Outpost Ghent. Now we'll be doing the same thing all over again this Sunday the 29th in Outpost Antwerp.


But that's not the end of it! Fantasy Flight has a whole range of events planned in the coming months. Not only will we see the release of six new expansion packs in the coming weeks, but there is the Winter Court World Championship and the Kotei series to look forward to.


The Outposts will do whatever they can to organize as many L5R events as they possibly can, so keep your eyes on our event pages and follow us on Facebook for the latest news!


You can find an overview of Fantasy Flight's Organized Play model here.

Banner Good luck warriors, and we hope to see you soon at one of our events. FOR ROKUGAN!