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The new Vanguard set, Binding Force of the Black Rings has just hit our shelves. The Booster Displays of this 102-Card set are now available in our webshop.


Binding Force of the Black Ring is the 12th English Booster Set release for Vanguard.


Binding Force of the Black Rings includes all-new units and abilities for the Link Joker clan.  There is a new Lock mechanic with the [Reversed] versions of cards including NarukamiDark Irregulars, and Pale Moon, or players can choose to fight back against the void with the combined forces of Gold Paladin and Shadow Paladin.


There are 102 cards in this set (RRR: 8/RR: 12/R: 22/C: 60). At least one card in every pack will be a Rare (R) or above card.


Displays contain 30 packs, each containing 5 random cards.


Both displays and boosters are available in our webshop.