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Heroes of Might & Magic III was originally released in 1999 and proved to be the most loved and succesful version of the game to date. The recently released HD version of this game is now playable on all Outpost PC's.


Heroes of Might & Magic 3 was one of the finest exponents of the Turn-Based strategy genre. Not only did the game offer weeks of gameplay in no less than seven (!) different campaigns; 3DO also got the game balance absolutely right. I recall late discussions in our first gamecenter in the Antwerp Stoofstraat when we tried to finetune our heroes of might & magic strategies. It was no wonder that the intricacies of the game appealed to a lot of the chess players visiting Outpost at the time.


Heroes of Might & Magic 3 served as a kind of prequel to that other Might & Magic blockbuster: Might and Magic VII, another game played most avidly in our first Outpost Gamecenter. In my mind that was the only game - besides Everquest - that the late Frank Taxi Westerlinck played till his fingers bled.


Stay tuned for more Might & Magic action later this year: Ubisoft plans to release Heroes of Might & Magic 7 in May.


When the new Heroes of Might & Magic game will be released, the accompaying Outpost launch will not go unnoticed !


For those who can't wait for the new game: you can now try out the HD version of Heroes of Might & Magic 3 on one of our Outpost PC's or buy the game on Steam !