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From Saturday the 6th of February till Saturday the 1st of March, all Outposts will organize Store Championships for a variety of Fantasy Flight Games, including Netrunner and X-Wing.



Store Championship events are competitive tournaments held at a local level and serve as the first step toward Fantasy Flight's World Championships in November.



Store Championships were introduced in 2014 as an additional stage in FFG’s Organized Play Program and were a resounding success. Added to the same structure that includes premier-level events such as Regional, National, and World Championships, Store Championships are competitive-level events available to every store.


These store-based events provide all players an arena to compete against other local players, share stories, and vie for the title of Store Champion.



Bragging rights are not the only thing on the line at Store Championships. The winner of each event will receive one bye at a Regional Championship of his or her choice.


In addition, players that finish well in the event will receive a playmat, set of tokens, or other prizes depending on their standing at the end of the tournament. The top 32 players will each receive an alternate art card.


Check out the full Schedule below :


Saturday 07/02, Outpost Ghent, Warhammer Disk Wars Store Championship 2015

Sunday 08/02, Outpost Brussels, Netrunner Store Championships 2015

Sunday 08/02, Outpost Ghent, Warhammer 40k Conquest Store Championship 2015

Saturday 14/02, Outpost Ghent, Star Wars LCG Store Championship 2015

Sunday 15/02, Outpost Ghent, X-Wing Store Championship 2015

Saturday 21/02, Outpost Ghent, Game of Thrones Store LCG Championship 2015

Sunday 22/02, Outpost Ghent, Netrunner Store Championship 2015

Sunday 22/02, Outpost Antwerp, X-Wing Store Championship 2015

Sunday, 01/03, Outpost Antwerp, Netrunner Store Championship 2015

Sunday, 15/03, Outpost Brussels, X-Wing Store Championship 2015