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Outpost Bus to Utrecht

Outpost and Belgic Magic are proud to announce our second Outpost Bus! This time we go for Grand Prix Utrecht: the widely anticipated Modern Masters 2 Grand Prix.



This Grand Prix will be huge and starts as of Thursday with side events so here is what we offer.


- We leave with the bus on Thursday May 28th (pick up points: 9AM in Brussels and 10AM in Berchem) making sure we are in time for when the events start.

- You will get a room in the NH hotel at 10 minutes walking distance of the site.

- You are guaranteed a Grand Prix playmat.

- Guaranteed to be able to subscribe to the tournament at the Early Bird rate of 65 EURO rather than 75.

- Free Rebound event on Saturday!

- We will return on Sunday evening May 31st with the bus making sure we are back in Brussels latest 11PM so everyone can still easily make their way home.


All of this you will get for only 170EUR!


Joining us for this great experience is very easy, transfer 170€ to BE90 0014 9074 7732 put Oupost Bus, your full name and Antwerp or Brussels (choose where you want to get on the bus) in the comments and send a mail to for the subscription in the tournament (also if you already done this separately.


We hope to see you all soon on the Outpost Bus.