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On Saturday evening the 11th of October, we are going the extra mile for our Outpost Founders. They can register for our Founders' night and will get a free pizza and a free drink.

There have been people in this community since 1997. Yes that's right: 1997! We now have members who weren't even born at the time Outpost was founded.

What makes you an Outpost founder? Simple. Prove or try to prove that you have been an Outpost member for at least five years and you are eligible.

Mind you: this is a PC-Gaming event. We will definitely be organizing comparable events for our card player community in the future.

It's our first Outpost Founders' Night so gaming will be very casual. You are welcome from 20:00 onwards. We will gather ideas for the next Founders' night along the way.


A Crushbone raid comes to mind. Tron multiplayer. Does anyone of you even remember Netstorm?

Make sure you register here!