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0.00 €
League of New and Beginning Magic Players
Thursday 10 January 2019
Ends around
Outpost Ghent

The League of New and Beginning Magic Players is a free event for people who have no or few experience Magic. You are "coached" by people who know Magic very well and it's a perfect place for all your Magic related questions.


Once you are a little more confident in your understanding of the game you are welcome in our beginner friendly events. These start at 19:00 and usually have an entry fee of 10,-, but you always walk home with some new cards.


Some of these events use our very own "Gentry" Constructed format, which has deckbuilding rules designed to make it possible to compete with even a minimum investment. And even if you don't have enough cards of your own yet, there are always people ready to lend you a complete deck.


If you feel like bringing your own "Gentry" deck, here are the rules  deck: - 60 cards minimum - maximum 4 rares/mythics (all different) - maximum 15 uncommons - all cards should be standard legal


If you want more information about the league, check out our facebook group here and if Gentry is something you want to know more about, check out the wordpress and the fan page.