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Yugi & Kaiba Collector Box and Star Pack: Vrains released!

Today we're releasing two brand new YGO products: Star Pack VRAINS and the Yugi & Kaiba Collector Box.


First of: the Star Pack. Star Pack Vrains contains many of the popular themes from the VRAINS animé, such as "Gouki", "Trickstar", and "Altergeist". More importantly it contains a bunch of Link Monsters! Very handy since some of those have been pretty hard to get so far.


As usual a single Star Pack only contains 3 cards. Namely 2 commons and 1 starfoil rare. The entire set consists of 49 commons, all of which have a starfoil duplicate, and 1x card that only exists as a starfoil. This means there's a totaly of 50 unique cards to acquire.


Moving on to the Yugi & Kaiba's Collector Box. In a most shocking turn of events that nobody ever saw coming at all it contains 2x "Ultra Rare" versions of Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon ...


It also contains the following:

- 1x Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded

- 1x Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded

- 3x Duelist Pack: Yugi Booster Packs

- 3x Duelist Pack: Kaiba Booster Packs


This will give fans a chance to get their hands on both Starter Decks, and more importantly the Duelist Packs.


Both products are available right now on our webstore or physical stores!