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YGO World Championship Qualifier in Outpost Ghent

Outpost Ghent is proud to host the Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship Qualifier: an event that takes the very best of players and allows them to compete on a global scale! Even if you do not win a coveted WCQ invite there are plenty of insane rewards to be won.


Regional Qualifier Logo 2017The WCQ: Regionals are considered tier 2 events and allow winners access to higher tiers of competitive play, such as the European (continental) championship. The top X duelists of this event will qualify to continue at this championship, where X is 1/8th of the amount of players rounded up.


In order to get there and receive that coveted qualification you'll have to test your mettle at our Outpost Ghent Gamecenter. Don't forget that the regionals themselves boast exclusive prizes and that players are required to be fully prepared and conform to a high standard of sportsmanship.


Here's all the event information you'll need to know to participate:


  • Outpost Ghent will host the WCQ on Februari 11th, 2018.
  • The entry fee for the event is 20 Euro, but every player will win a minimum of 5 booster packs.
  • The entire event is run in Advanced Constructed format.
  • The doors open at 11:00. Make sure you register before the start of the tournament!
  • The tournament officially starts at 12:00 and is expected to last several hours.

If this is your first time playing the regionals you should be aware of several things:


  • Duelists are expected to bring their pre-constructed decks along with a decklist (form is found here) and any peripherals they might need. (such as counters, extra sleeves, etc)
  • Players are required to check the forbidden card lists beforehand when constructing their decks.
  • Rounds are determined by Swiss format, hence you will play a number of rounds depending on the number of people present at the event. Duelists are never eliminated.
  • Every round takes 40 min, not including overtime. Be advised that you'll spend several hours at the qualifiers. Come prepared!


Additional rewards are handed out to the winners based on the number of people present at the event. For a complete chart of the prize support ratio to duelists present you can click here.


Good luck and may the best duelist win!