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0.00 €
Tuesday Draft
Tuesday 24 June 2014
Ends around
Outpost Ghent

Tuesday evening is the traditional draft evening in Outpost Ghent. Players gather between 19h00 and 20h00 and everyone is welcome !


The entry fee for this draft is 12 € (for three boosters). We give out five boosters prize support for an 8-11 Players pod or four boosters for a 6-7 Players Pod.


Rares are redivided after the draft.


Weekly draft results are eligible for the Outpost Player's Club !


What is drafting all about ?


At the start of a Booster Draft, each player opens a booster pack and picks the card he or she wants from it. (You can't see the cards that the other players draft.) Then each player passes the rest of the pack to his or her left. You pick up the pack that was passed to you, select a card, and pass the rest to your left. This process continues until all the cards have been drafted. Next, each player opens a second pack, but this time, you pass the pack to your right. After all those cards are drafted, you open the third pack and pass to the left again.


Once all the packs have been drafted, players build decks from the cards they selected, adding as many basic lands (Plains, Islands, Swamps, Mountains, and Forests) to their decks as they like (you can borrow basic lands from Outpost for the occasion !) Each deck must have at least 40 cards.


Each pair of players then plays a match, which consists of the best two out of three games. In the next round, the winners play against other winners (and the losers against the losers, if you like). The player who wins all three rounds—or all three matches—is the winner.


It's a great way to spend a few hours with your buddies.