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X-Wing Assault at Imdaar Alpha Preview Tournament
Sunday 1 June 2014
Ends around
Outpost Brussels

Outpost Brussels came up with a really impressive name for its next X-Wing Tournament. On Sunday the 1st of June, the X-Wing Assault at Imdaar Alpha Preview Tournament will hit our Brussels venue. Full Stop.


The event is bound to be a full Star Wars Experience with some of the most epic battles ever ! At stake - as always - is nothing less than the fate of the Universe...


Doors: 11h00

Format: Constructed, Swiss Rounds, 100 points or less with a surprise final round ! (see below)

Entry Fee: 7 €


Guaranteed Prizing:


1st: First choice of one Assault at Imdaar Alpha preview starship expansion
2nd: Second choice of one Assault at Imdaar Alpha preview starship expansion
3rd: Third choice of one Assault at Imdaar Alpha preview starship expansion
4th: Fourth choice of one Assault at Imdaar Alpha preview starship expansion
Top 16: One commemorative Bandit Squadron Pilot with extended art

Tournament Rules


- All Current X-Wing expansions from Fantasy Flight Games are legal.

- All players must have a written squadron list, including all ships, pilots, and upgrades. Please either bring the list with you, or arrive early enough to fill one out here before the event begins.

- Players are expected to bring with them all materials they will need for battle, including squadron, dice, maneuver dials, maneuver templates, asteroids, tokens and damage card deck.


However, in the final round, everything changes! After the close of the preliminary rounds, the tournament’s two top players set aside their personal squads and command new squads that they build with the starfighters included in the event kit.


One player will construct an Imperial squad that fields both the TIE defender and TIE phantom. The other will construct a Rebel squad that utilizes the Z-95 Headhunter as well as the E-wing. Both players will complete their 100-point squadrons by adding starships and upgrades from their existing X-Wing collections.


Then, each of the tournament’s top four participants get to claim one of the preview expansions!


For a full overview of tournament rules, please visit the last version of the rules here.


Be sure to attend and may the force be with you !