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0.00 €
Vanguard Tag Team Tournament
Sunday 13 April 2014
Ends around
Outpost Brussels


Sunday the 13th of April, Outpost Brussels will be holding another Tag Team Vanguard tournament.

It will be a fun tournament where you can win exclusive Cardfight: Vanguard tournament promos, Vol. 8 Boosters and Playmats.


Format:    Vanguard Constructed Tag Team Tournament
Entry Fee: 10 € per team
Prizing:     EB 07 Boosters, Exclusive Vanguard PLAYMATs and Promo Boosters Vol. 8 !


Check also the Outpost Brussels facebook Event page for future updates and promotions:






(1) Form a team of 2

(2) Each Player must have 1 Deck


Basic Rules


(1) Starting Hand: 5

(2) Team with a combination of 9 or more damages, loses the game

(3) Team with a fighter that has 0 cards left in his deck, loses the game


Tag Fight Rules


(1) Each fighter has 1 field but the damage zone will be shared by the team

(2) Fighter can only attack the opposing fighter in front

(3) When being attacked the team mate may call a unit from his hand onto the guardian zone to help. Intercepting is not allowed !

(4) Counterblast and Soulblast costs are shared between team members

(5) Players may decide if they want to discuss or look at each other's hand during the game.


Starting the game


(1) The 4 players will play a game of scissors-paper-rock to decide the fighter who goes first.

(2) Sequence between players will be in a figure 8. E.g.: if you have two teams: team A (Misaki, Kamui) and team B (Aichi, Kai) and Kamui will go first, the sequence will be: Kamui>Kai>Misaki>Aichi>Kamui and so on.

(3) The first 3 fighters cannot attack, in the scenario in point 2 above, Aichi would be the first fighter to attack.


How to read the Card Text


1. [Your] means the fighter who's using that unit, player can not select your team mate as a


E.g.(1): Isolde's skill "[Auto]: {Discard a <> unit from your hand} When this unit is called onto the Guardian circle you may pay the cost, select  1 of your <> that was attacked, the unit  selected will not be hit during this battle." Player can not use this skill and target an unit on your team mate's field.


E.g.(2): Silent tom's skill "[Continuous](V/R): During the battle where this unit attacks and you have an
OracleThinkTank VG, your opponent can not normal call a G0 into the Guardian zone" Your opponent's
team mate CAN help to guard with G0a


(2) [All players] will target all 4 fighters


E.g.: Dark cat's skill " [Auto] : When this unit gets ride or called onto a VG or RG circle and you have an OracleThinkTank VG, all players may draw 1 card" All 4 players may draw 1