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Netrunner Store Championship
Sunday 20 April 2014
Ends around
Outpost Ghent

Outpost Ghent is happy to announce its Netrunner Store Championship !


Store Championships are a new premier tier of Netrunner Organized Play below the Regional Championship tournaments and bigger than the standard tournaments supported by the 2014 exclusive Netrunner tournament kits.


It will be an unique occasion to come and test new decks while having fun in a relaxed atmosphere !


Format: Constructed, Swiss rounds (65 Minutes per round)

Entry Fee: 7 €

Prizes: Unique Netrunner Goodies, Store Credit, Data Packs


Minimum Prize Distribution


1st: Store Championship Plaque, Custom Deck Box, 1st Place Certificate (worth a first round bye at one Regional Championship), Exclusive Android Netrunner Playmat

2nd: Custom Deck Box, Exclusive Android Netrunner Playmat

3rd-4th: Exclusive Android: Netrunner Playmats


Every participant also get a full-bleed alternate version of Kati Jones.


If there are more than 16 Players, we will also add store credit or Data Packs depending on player's choice.


Tournament Rules


- You must commit to a single corp & runner deck for the duration of the tournament. Players will play both decks against each opponent.

- All officially English released cards will be allowed (Core Set and Data Packs). This includes Mala Tempura and True Colors Data Packs.


You can check the detailed tournament rules here.