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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain released on the 1st of September on all platforms. While the multiplayer for the PC-version will only be available in January, you can already give the single player a try as we installed it in all Outpost Gamecenters.


Metel Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain builds on the gameplay elements of the previous installment in the series, meaning you will have to sneak/be in stealth mode a lot in this game in order to avoid guards and remain undetected. Players are encouraged to do this without killing, so expect a bunch of non-lethal weapons like tranquilizer darts and the like.


You can traverse the open world in Metal Gear Solid on horse or foot, but there are also a variety of vechicles to choose from.


The base-building feature present in previous versions of the game is also back, giving you the opportunity to construe your own weapons and items, hire mercenaries and upgrade the facility's defenses and technology.


The release of the new Metal Gear Solid was met with universal acclaim. Make sure you give this game a shot, next time you visit Outpost !