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The release of the firstever multiplayer-focused booster set for Magic is drawing near. On the 6th of June, Conspiracy will hit our shelves. You can preorder both Boosters and Booster Displays now.


The whole idea behind this 210-card booster set is intrigue. And the intrigue starts before the first card is played ! Some card mechanics will enable you to change aspects of the draft itself.


Conspiracy also introduces the new Conspiracy card type. These cards do not have a magic cost as you put them in your command zone. Played from the command zone, they have all kinds of strange game effects.


Top this with new abilities like hidden agenda or dethrone, and you know that this format will make for a completely different and refreshing Magic Multiplayer experience.

You can preorder both Conspiracy boosters and booster displays in our webshop.


Conspiracy is designed to be drafted with six to eight players who then split into groups of three or four players for free-for-all multiplayer games.


In the weekend following the release, we will have conspiracy release events in all Outposts. Both on Saturday and Sunday. The release event promo card is Magister of Worth.