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Announcing Outpost Open Brussels

From Friday Evening the 10th of October till Sunday the 12th of October, Outpost Brussels will be hosting our very own Outpost Open, featuring a Super Friday Night Magic, a Modern Tournament and a Legacy Event.



Friday Evening, Outpost Brussels will be hosting a Super Friday Night Magic. Expect extra Friday Night Magic Foils for all participants.


On Saturday the 11th of October, we will host a Modern Constructed Tournament.


On Sunday, the 12th of October, there will be a Legacy event for all fans of the format. This tournament will also be a Belgian Legacy Cup Trial so don't
miss this opportunity ! For more information about the Belgian Legacy Cup, please consult their official website.


The tournaments on Saturday and Sunday are premium events, so you can count on extra Planeswalker points (x3 Multiplier).


The Outpost Open plays an important role in our Outpost Player's Club as you can pick up free sleeves, free drinks or even free entry and byes for some tournaments if you happen to have the right level.


You can find more info on our Outpost Open here.